for mental health Professionals

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Coping with extreme heat fliers

Handbook of Climate Psychology

Access a PDF of the handbook here or click here to view the handbook in flipbook format.

Developed by members of the Climate Psychology Alliance (UK). Released on August 29, 2022.

“Our aims in this handbook are to develop shared understandings of what is meant by ‘climate psychology’ and to provide a valuable online resource. We include short explanations of key concepts, their importance to Climate Psychology and links to further reading or resources.”

Book Chapter:
“Psychological Impacts of Climate Change and Recommendations”

By Lise van Susteren and Wael K. Al-Delaimy. Chapter 14 of Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility.

Protected under the Creative Commons license.

Podcast: 4-Part Series on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, Mental Health, and Climate Change

A four-part podcast series by the Mental Health Professionals’ Network (MHPN). Join Prof. Pat Dudgeon (a Bardi woman from the Kimberley in Western Australia), Dr Stewart Sutherland (a Wiradjuri man) and Prof. Alan Rosen, as they discuss how, by living in harmony with nature, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are, at the same time, a strength and a priority in our response to the significant impacts of climate change and the Covid 19 pandemic. For more information and links, see the flyer here.

Episode 1. Prehistoric & Historic context: The impact of the “Anthropocene” epoch. Listen to Part 1 here.

Episode 2. What are the impacts on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander and other Indigenous communities of Droughts-Fires-Pandemic-Floods? Listen to Part 2 here.

Episode 3. Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander strengths and achievements in the face of Covid19 and Bushfires and Droughts. Listen to Part 3 here.

Episode 4. Operationalizing Active Hope: What Aboriginal & other Indigenous peoples can offer to Societal Solutions? Listen to Part 4 here.